We spoke to an aircraft brokerage recently about a couple of G550’s (we are currently buying a G550 for a client). Apparently this brokerage has recently published some sort of ‘report’ on the Gulfstream market.

I have no idea what this brokerage team is eating for breakfast….(probably grits with ‘shrooms)….but this report is somewhat puzzling because its overall claim is that Gulfstream pre-owned prices are ‘Holding Steady’

Now then; ‘Holding Steady’ is a nautical term, usually associated with maintaining course or heading, during extreme storms or squalls at sea….this is probably what this brokerage means, perhaps ?

If the Gulfstream market is holding steady, then, equally euphemistically, Aviatrade has just stolen the Crown Jewels… and we could have maybe stolen the entire Fabergé Egg collection and the Kohinoor Diamond…..therefore, Aviatrade can certainly assist any potential Gulfstream buyer wishing to accomplish the same ‘steal’.

All segments of the Gulfstream market (much like Falconjet and Bombardier) are dropping faster than Hillary Clinton’s poll numbers.

Furthermore, there are more “price reduced” announcements in the Gulfstream pre-owned marketplace than you’ll ever see at a Macy’s Labor Day Sale.

More from this Gulfstream commentator and consultant, anon

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