So, there was an announcement yesterday re. proposed layoffs at Bombardier.
This is most unfortunate for the 11% of the workforce that will see ‘pink slips’ over the next couple of years. However, we can’t help wondering if the millions of dollars (Canadian or otherwise) in bizjet sales commissions paid to the somewhat loose network of Bombardier’s ‘agents’ and ‘authorized sellers’ might have been better deployed and thereby possibly averting such a dramatic cutback in payroll.
A workforce reduction of this magnitude, coupled with major bizjet program delays (the Global 7000) and past problems with the Global XRS do not exactly imbue your clients and potential clients with a sense of “all is well”…no wonder Gulfstream recently announced a strong order book for its G650 and ER.
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The current Gulfstream pre-owned aircraft marketplace is showing distinct signs of stress. This is good news for anyone considering an acquisition of one of the long range Gulfstream models, especially G650ER.
The selected Pre-Purchase Inspection facility will perform a records review that will highlight any deficiencies in both the physical and digital records.
The startling bizjet price run-up of the covid era is a thing of the past and not only are more bizjets coming to market but buyers are once again able to be quite selective when evaluating the options.