Gulfstream G700, the recently certified flagship

The current Gulfstream pre-owned aircraft marketplace is showing distinct signs of stress. This is good news for anyone considering an acquisition of one of the long range Gulfstream models, especially the high-end and ultra-long-range Gulfstream G650ER.

Aviatrade’s Gulfstream Availability Summary

Aviatrade has noted a significant increase in the number of Gulfstream G650ER’s currently available for sale. This does not include the additional off-market G650ER examples that can be sourced by Aviatrade.

There are currently seventeen G650ER’s listed for sale. This is an increase from a mere handful (four/ five) of G650ER’s that were available as of October 2023.

Some of this increased Gulfstream G650ER availability is due to anticipated Gulfstream G700 deliveries (upgrades). The G700 has just recently received its type certification from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). There were some unexpected delays with the certification that have created bottlenecks in the delivery chain. However, the G700 pilot certification program at Flight Safety International is in full pilot certification mode.

There is another (albeit smaller) element to the current G650ER availability and this is the distressed or unanticipated sale of these aircraft. Incidentally, there is a small but (in terms of total G650ER’s for sale) significant number of G650ER’s for sale in China and the prices of these aircraft reflect their market positioning.

Gulfstream G650 availability

There is a limited number of Gulfstream G650’s currently for sale (four), with the addition of a couple of the inevitable off-market “sleepers”. Obviously this availability consists of some of the early production G650 models (2012/2013) that were not converted to the ER model, (at a rather steep cost, we might add!). The basic G650 was dropped from the Gulfstream line-up in 2018/2019.

The Cabin-Class Gulfstream Line-up:

The Current Gulfstream Pre-Owned Aircraft Marketplace for GVII-G500 and G600 aircraft.

The G600; less range but bigger cabin than its predecessor, the G550

This corner of the Gulfstream marketplace is quite thinly traded. Aviatrade’s impression is that owners of G450 and G550 aircraft (which the GVII-G500 and G600 replaced) do not see the benefit of the respective model improvements / upgrades. In fact, the Gulfstream G600 has less range than the Gulfstream G550.

There are only four GVII-G500’s for sale out of a relatively small fleet of almost 130 aircraft. This model has been available since 2017, therefore not exactly a “best seller”. Prices (actual selling prices) should be in the $30MM’s.

Likewise, the sales of G600’s; 134 in production and in service since 2019. With only four for sale and a slow absorption rate, these sidestick and digitally controlled Gulfstreams are not exactly flying off the production line. Expect pricing in the low-mid $40MM’s.

The Current Gulfstream Pre-Owned Marketplace for G450 and G550 aircraft.

These earlier generation Gulfstream aircraft are still very much in demand. However, due to their respective fleet numbers, the G450 and G550 aircraft currently for sale represent a small percentage of the in-service fleet for sale. In actual fact these percentages translate into a sizable number of G450 and G550 aircraft for sale.

Gulfstream G450 Availability for sale

Approximately 10% of the G450 fleet (308 aircraft) is available for sale. These G450 aircraft currently offered for sale span the model years 2004-2016. Perhaps not surprisingly, the upper end of the market (2014-2016) is the most active with potential buyers. Actual selling prices are in the high ‘teens for the most part.

Gulfstream G550 Availability for Sale

There are roughly fifty G550’s for sale. This represents only 7.5% of the fleet but nevertheless this is a daunting Gulfstream marketplace for the uninitiated. The prices for early models, (2003-2010) of these ultra-long range jets has thankfully come back down to earth from the “crazy covid” pricing. While prices do continue to come down, these aircraft require very careful evaluation prior to committing to a letter of intent (LOI).

Take, for example, the horizontal stabilizer Customer Bulletin 190 requirement:

Plain-English Explanation of the MAUS V Horizontal Stabilizer Inspections Required for G-V and Some G550 Aircraft


There will continue to be ample supply in the current Gulfstream pre-owned aircraft marketplace with good deals available to the informed buyer. The best examples of these available aircraft (late model / low hours / good provenance) will also continue to be in demand by the discerning ultra-long-range bizjet travelers.

Aviatrade is always available to offer its thirty five years of Gulfstream expertise to those wishing to investigate the finest of the bizjet offerings in the Gulfstream pre-owned marketplace.

Philip Rushton +1 908 578 8080
[email protected]

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